Here are the top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites as derived from our eBizMBA Rank which is a continually updated average of each website's Alexa Global Traffic Rank, and U.S. Traffic Rank from both Compete and Quantcast."*#*" Denotes an estimate for sites with limited data.

Facebook1 | Facebook
3 - eBizMBA Rank | 900,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 3 - Compete Rank | 3 - Quantcast Rank | 2 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Twitter2 | Twitter
12 - eBizMBA Rank | 310,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 21 - Compete Rank | 8 - Quantcast Rank | 8 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
LinkedIn3 | LinkedIn
18 - eBizMBA Rank | 255,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 25 - Compete Rank | 19 - Quantcast Rank | 9 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Pinterest4 | Pinterest
22 - eBizMBA Rank | 250,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 27 - Compete Rank | 13 - Quantcast Rank | 26 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Google+5 | Google Plus+
30 - eBizMBA Rank | 120,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *32* - Compete Rank | *28*- Quantcast Rank | NA - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Tumblr6 | Tumblr
34 - eBizMBA Rank | 110,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 55 - Compete Rank | *13* - Quantcast Rank | 34 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Instagram7 | Instagram
77 - eBizMBA Rank | 100,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 49 - Compete Rank | 145 - Quantcast Rank | 36 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
VKontakte8 | VK
97 - eBizMBA Rank | 80,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *150* - Compete Rank |*120* - Quantcast Rank | 21 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Flickr9 | Flickr
123 - eBizMBA Rank | 65,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 138 - Compete Rank | 139 - Quantcast Rank | 91 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Vine10 | Vine
581 - eBizMBA Rank | 42,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 237 - Compete Rank | 335 - Quantcast Rank | 1,172 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Meetup11 | Meetup
596 - eBizMBA Rank | 40,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 791 - Compete Rank | 701 - Quantcast Rank | 296 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Tagged12 | Tagged
702 - eBizMBA Rank | 38,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,082 - Compete Rank |615 - Quantcast Rank | 408 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Ask fm13 |
779 - eBizMBA Rank | 37,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 2,046 - Compete Rank |113 - Quantcast Rank | 179 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Meet Me14 | MeetMe
1,457 - eBizMBA Rank | 15,500,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1,407 - Compete Rank |635 - Quantcast Rank | 2,328 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
Classmates15 | ClassMates
1,487 - eBizMBA Rank | 15,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 153 - Compete Rank |*285* - Quantcast Rank | 4,022 - Alexa Rank | Last Updated July 1, 2015.
The Most Popular Social Networking Sites | eBizMBA
The positive effects of social bookmarking for publishers of news sites, blogs, and other web sites is outstanding. Social bookmarking can introduce sites to others with relevant tastes, drive traffic to your site, and valuable backlinks.

Some social bookmark sites like pass on link juice, while some use the NoFollow attribute. But do not let the use of NoFollow fool you, the search engines are looking beyond the incoming links from social bookmarking sites to gauge their value to their search indexes. The external metadata compiled via user generated descriptions, tags, titles and categorization is incredibly valued by the search engines, as in the same philosophy as anchored backlinks, descriptive content about a web site defined by the users of that site who are not associated with the marketing or coding of that site, can be extremely powerful in gauging the importance and relevance of the content and tags which are used on that site.

Bookmarks show how a site is perceived, and when these sites allow voting, they also show the engines or whatever classification system which monitors voting, how people feel about the quality of the site. Furthermore, social bookmarking can introduce a site to the search engines, as in some cases, people may find and bookmark a site or a site’s internal pages before a search engine can find those pages via another form of inbound link.

Monitoring social bookmarking services like Delicious and StumbleUpon help search engines in multiple ways by:

Indexing Sites Faster : Humans bookmark sites launched by their friends or colleagues before a search engine bot can find them.

Deeper Indexing : Many pages bookmarked are deep into sites and sometimes not as easily linked to by others, found via bad or nonexistent site navigation or linked to from external pages.
Measuring Quality : Essentially if more users bookmark a page, the more quality and relevance that site has. A site with multiple bookmarks across multiple bookmarking services by multiple users is much more of an authority than a site with only several bookmarks by the same user.

External Meta Data : Users who bookmark sites tag them with keywords and descriptions which add an honest and unbiased definition which is created by the public and not the owner of the site.
Co Citation : Social bookmarking sites tend to categorize sites and pages based upon the tags used by humans to describe the site; therefore search algortihms can classify these sites with their peers.

Number of Votes : Similar to the number of bookmarks, the more votes a page receives on Digg or Reddit, the more useful that information usually is. If the same page receives multiple votes across multiple social news voting sites, the higher quality the site.

Categorization : Like Co Citation, categorization can help define the subject of a site, therefore better helping the engine address searcher intent.

To help share the wealth of social bookmarking, I’ve put together a list of 148 social bookmarking sites, some of which are very popular and others which are newer or somewhat unheard of. But besides targeting the major social bookmarking sites, you will find some diamonds in the rough which are niche oriented or treated well by Google and other search engines.

Are you set the goal or create a Digital Marketing plan for a new year 2015 ?

The new year is just around the corner and progressive brands are analyzing and prioritizing digital integration in their 2015 plans. In this Digital Marketing Depot SEM institute, will share the key considerations to keep top of mind throughout the planning process. They will discuss research and strategy, integrated tactics v. programs, and full-funnel analytics. Attend this webcast and learn what tactics will help your team successfully plan and execute winning digital campaigns in 2015.

so please join us for more update about 2015 Digital Marketing plan ...........

Bing is now using a carousel format for their local search results user interface. If you search Bing for local related queries, such as pizza, you will see local results placed in a black bar, that you can navigation through, to find local pizza stores.

Bing started using the carousel format back in October for movie listings.

This change comes shortly after Google dropped the carousel user interface and went to a local 3-pack set of results.
Google Maps has updated their local pages quality guidelines last night. Jade Wang from the Google team posted the news in the Google Forums saying:

We’ve updated and clarified our quality guidelines for local pages. Please read the new version here, and, as always, feel free to contact our support team with any specific questions about your account.
There are a couple local SEO experts that have dug through the old guidelines to compare it to the new guidelines. I saved a screen shot of the old guidelines, which you can see over here.

Mike Blumenthal documented the “obvious changes” including:

  • Descriptors of any sort are NOT allowed
  • Categories should be the more specific category and NOT the overarching, general category
  • Increased name and category consistency amongst multi location chains
  • Two or more brands at the same location must pick one name
  • If Different departments are to have their own page they must have unique categories
  • Practitioner’s pages, in multi location practices should have their name only and not the name of the practice
  • Solo Practitioners only can use the format of Practice: Practitioner
  • Virtual Offices are NOT allowed unless staffed.

Google Maps local have always been somewhat of the “wild west” of the search space. So many are asking, despite these guidelines, will Google actually have the man power and resources to actually enforce these rules?
We will research and contact other bloggers and website owners within relevant industries and request a guest spot on their site.  Many website owners will welcome one of our articles on their sites, because they know our articles are highly informative and of good quality – which means they’re offering their own readers something of value just for posting the article we write for them.  In exchange for the article, the blogger or site owner will link to your site.  The more incoming links your site has from other quality, relevant websites and blogs – the better your site will perform in the search engines when people search for keywords related to your products and services.

In addition to improving your search engine rankings over time, guest blogging also allows you to gain credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your particular niche.  We will gladly put your own name on guest articles we write on your behalf.

Guest blogging is a method used by bloggers to increase blog traffic where bloggers write posts to be published on other bloggers' blogs. Guest blogging can work in one of two ways:

  1. You write a post to appear on another person's blog.
  2. Another person writes a post to appear on your blog.
An information graphic (infographic) is a visual representation of a data set or instructive material. An infographic takes a large amount of information in text or numerical form and then condenses it into a combination of images and text, allowing viewers to quickly grasp the essential insights the data contains. Infographics are not a product of the Web, but the Internet has helped popularize their use as a content medium.

6 Benefits of Using Infographics

As someone who is constantly surfing the web, either for work or just because I’m an addict, I’ve become a big fan of infographics. And, I’m far from the only person who’s found infographics to be an educational, entertaining, and useful tool. Within the last decade infographics have become an increasing trend. In fact, from 2010 to 2012, infographic search volumes have increased over 800%. Suffice it to say, that’s an outstanding trend. But, what exactly are infographics and should you use them?

For the uninitiated, infographics “are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly”. In other words, an infographic collects data, organizes it, and turns this information into an easy to understand visual, such as a chart or map. So, why and how can these graphs be beneficial?

Studies have found that 90 percent of the information that we remember is based on visual impact. Include that tidbit with the fact that we live in an age where 1.5 billion pieces of content, 140 million tweets, and 2 million videos are created on a daily basis, and you can easily understand why a simple visual aid can make your brand stand out.

If you’re still on the fence regarding infographics, here are six other benefits of the popular resource.

Infographics are more eye-catching than printed words, since they usually combine images, colors, movement, and content that naturally draw the eye.

Since most of us have increasingly shorter attention spans, we tend to “scan” material as opposed to actually reading text. Furthermore, we tend to remember information that we’ve seen more so than read.

Infographics are extremely shareable for use around the web. For example, an infographic published on a WordPress blog or website usually provides an embed code. This code allows an automatic link from the original site to yours. They are also easily shared on social networks and have a better chance of becoming viral compared to ordinary text.

Infographics can be used to reinforce a brand, simply because they are so visually appealing. If you design an infographic with consistent colors, shapes, and messages, along with your logo, you’ll have an effective means of “Brand Awareness”.

A well designed and aesthetically pleasing infographic will drive people to your site since they are more likely to “share” and “click” on it. Also, this can help with Google’s “Page Rank” algorithm, which is  important for SEO.

Finally, infographics are a fun and engaging medium that can generate a unique connection with visitors to either your site or a location that has featured your infographic.

It’s not everyday that you can utilize something that is not only visually pleasing , but also has the capability to spread your brand as it goes viral throughout the internet. If you’re still looking for some other examples, along with tips on how to design and develop an effective infograph
Why is there no standard definition? It isn't like link building is a secret. According to a recent survey, 80 percent of companies engaged in SEO are spending more than $1,000 a month on link building.

The lack of a standard definition leads to a large amount of confusion within the industry itself. I've met other SEOs and marketers who had a tenuous grasp on link building at best. It's not like there's an SEO college. Forget that: SEO is barely taught in universities at all.

So what is link building exactly? If you're asking me for a bare bones definition, I would say it's the process of going out of your way to find great links.

But I don't think that definition truly does link building justice: it ignores the importance of link building. It ignores the crucial role it can and should play in any online marketing campaign. In my opinion, the true definition of link building doesn't come from just asking what, it also comes from asking why.

Link building isn't just the aforementioned process of acquiring backlinks that point to your site: it's also a proven marketing tactic that increases brand awareness and conversions.

The Why

So why should you build links today? You should do it for the same reason you should have built links last year. And the year before. And every year since Google dominated the search market.

You should build links because links are still one of the most important ranking signals in Google's algorithm, and are likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

You don't have to take just my word for it. Listen to Matt Cutts, who emphasized the importance of links at the recent SMX Advanced conference.

Danny Sullivan: Is link building just dead? You keep saying a new tactic is dead, or must be nofollowed, is it really you just don't want people to try to build links at all?

Cutts: No, link building is not dead. And a very small percentage of links on the web are nofollowed. There's a lot of mileage left in links.

Even though it seemed Sullivan, the founder of Search Engine Land, was trying to bait him into saying link building possessed little value, Cutts rebuffed that idea.

It's not just about increasing search visibility and brand exposure, however. Link building can help drive other marketing strategies. There's a lot of talk about content marketing being "the new link building." I believe this to be a falsehood.

The two are completely different. Content marketing has ambitions beyond building links; it's primarily focused on disseminating a brand message.

If you launch a content marketing initiative solely for links, your content will likely suffer. Content marketing and link building may not be synonymous, but they complement each other nicely. Link building can help you to build relationships that can serve to benefit you in other endeavors as well.

Link building is a crucial component to a comprehensive online marketing campaign.

The Ghost of Link Building Past

I can't accurately provide you with the year when link building started, but I can tell you that link building has existed for a long time. Eric Ward, who is known as the godfather of link building, helped create a link building strategy all the way back in 1994. That's four years before Google even existed.

Link building hasn't always been the prettiest profession. In previous years, there was a links arms race. Everyone knew that links were heavily weighted in Google's algorithm, and everyone also knew that Google's algorithm wasn't sophisticated enough to properly detect improper linking. This led to the creation of some famed black hat tactics, tactics that created horrible user experiences and manipulated search results.

This stuff isn't wholly in the past; I see examples of some of these tactics being executed on occasion. It may even work for a very short amount of time.

Link building is no longer just submitting poorly written content to dozens of link farms that no one ever sees outside of a web crawler. Link building is no longer hiding keyword rich anchor text underneath an infographic. Google keeps getting smarter and they keep fine-tuning their algorithm to stave off attempts at manipulation.

Link builders are adapting to a new SEO frontier where building sensible and relevant links isn't merely a suggestion: it's a requirement in order to stay competitive. A backlink profile filled to the brim with unnatural backlinks will no longer increase your visibility in search. It's more likely to prompt a penalty.

Link Building Today

At SMX in June, Cutts said it's possible to do white hat SEO; it just requires, "Sweat plus creativity." Cutts, despite prompting from Sullivan, and despite having a plethora of reasons for condemning link building – it'd certainly make his job easier – still stood behind both links and link building.

In order to define link building today, you need to understand what "sweat plus creativity" means. To me, it's not rocket science.

When Cutts says "sweat plus creativity," he simply means hard work and innovation. That's all.

The links arms race was responsible for a hefty amount of links designed for no other purpose than to manipulate Google's algorithm. Google isn't standing for it anymore: they want links that better serve the user experience.

Google doesn't want natural links simply because they are idealists; many would argue that the company has shed its idealistic roots in recent years. Google wants this kind of internet because it's in their financial interest to provide the best, most relevant search results possible. Their ability to return relevant results depends upon natural links; manipulative links will unnaturally inflate rankings.

Even though Google seems to extend into a different tech field everyday, Google still amasses an overwhelming majority of its revenue from advertising on the SERPs.

I want the internet that Google wants too: we all should. The internet is the most powerful communication tool the world has ever known, and it would be an injustice to ruin the experience for those who use it. That means building the kind of links that take sweat and creativity to build.

Is Link Building Another Form of Promotion?

Just like television/radio advertising, link building is firmly placed in the marketing sphere.

How could anyone think otherwise? A large percentage of websites are built to either generate leads or to sell something. That means a website has become the brick and mortar of the digital age.

Just like the interior of a Walmart is a representation of its brand, so are the pages of a website a brand representative. You just need to get people to the website. That can be done through social shares certainly, but search remains the best way to point users to your site in my opinion.

This means that links aren't just links; they're votes of confidence. A backlink that points to your site is a signal of trust and authority. No webmasters will want to link to you unless they feel it will provide a better experience for the visitors on the site.

In order to get links, it's increasingly essential to clarify why you're worth linking to. This means that link building is slowly turning into another method of promotion.


So what is link building? It's a lot of things really. In 2014, I would say that link building is:

The process of going out of your way to find great links.
A proven marketing tactic that increases brand awareness and conversions.
A form of promotion.

My definition may vary from yours, and that's OK. I anticipate my current definition will change five years from now. But unlike the bevy of SEO doomsayers who populate all corners of the web, I know that link building will be a valuable visibility strategy five years from now. I wouldn't be stunned if it remained just as nebulous though.

What Is SMO or Social Media Optimization ?

SMO or Social Media Optimization is one of the powerful techniques of SEO that helps in generating traffic to a website by utilizing Social networking sites. As every business today has an online presence, its aim always remains to attract maximum visitors and SMO helps it do the same.

Our SMO course training will make you well versed with the functioning of these popular networking sites and a comprehensive knowledge of various SMO tools and techniques by means of which an organization can get maximum web exposure. It will give you chance to learn about your favorite site while helping you shape a career in Social Media Marketing.

If you are just looking for a regular informative course that can satisfy your curiosity for what is social media optimization then we would like to inform you that you are on the wrong website. But if you are dam serious about smo and want to make your career in social media optimization industry then you need proper training and guidance that will be provided by Gyan Infotech through it's advanced smo training course which includes everything that you need to be an expert smo professional.

The structure of our social media optimization training course is designed so as to provide you in-depth knowledge of the latest smo tools,  smo trends, smo tips, smo tricks, social media optimization software's, social media optimization techniques, social media optimization strategies etc for result oriented social media optimization. This course also includes all the latest relevant smo updates.

(Google Adsense + Affiliate Marketing + Blogging) Modules Are Now Included In This Course For Free)

On one hand this training course covers the smo basics and on the other hand it also teaches you the advanced smo concepts. Just checkout below what's covered in our wonderful smo course.

Areas that will be covered

Introduction to Marketing
  1. Introduction to marketing
  2. Internet Marketing
  3. Basic SMO
Social Media - Introduction & Benefits
  1. Why PR works better than advertising
  2. Parallels between word-of-mouth and social media.
  3. How can social media help you online: Marketing, PR, Sales, Customer Service, Market Survey, and Product Testing.
  4. Examples of results seen by advertisers : Indian and international examples
Social Media Techniques - Session 1
  1. Blogs, Online PR
  2. Choosing between blogging platforms.
  3. How to generate hype using review sites
  4. What kinds of articles work best for online PR and options for distributing them.
  5. Interesting and effective online PR tactics
Social Media Techniques - Session 2
  1. Videos, virals, content aggregators, bookmarking, community sites
  2. Why Videos are more effective then other tactics
  3. What makes a good viral
  4. Advertising options on social networking sites
Career Opportunities
  1. You can work as a Freelancer
  2. Web Marketing Advisor In any organisation
  3. Social Media Optimization (SMO) Consultant & Engineer
  4. SMO Lecturer
  5. Or can manage your own Projects
Social Media Optimization Services Include:

Forum Marketing - This is popularly known as forming. We help you in becoming an integral part of the most active forums on the internet. We select the forums that are relevant to your industry or niche and your target market.

Blog Marketing - Weblogs or blogs have become active, involved communities on the ‘net. Blog marketing is now an effective way to build your online identity and create brand awareness. We target lively, high-quality, relevant blogs.

Article Writing and Article Submissions - Article writing and submission is a tried-and-tested tool that establishes your expertise and creates online brand value for your business. We provide you with well-written and well-researched articles that can help you create that much-desired online brand.

Online Press Release Writing and Distribution - Press release writing is another powerful tool that can help boost your exposure online. The press release should be engaging and have that "creative punch". We help you create attention-grabbing press releases and distribute them to various news portals.

Seo is really a vital marketing work for the success of any site. Attaining greater positions within the search-engines interprets to obtaining more visitors which is precisely what your web business is after. Employing the services of a specialist to enhance your site might show a little pricey, which will be the main reason why you may possibly consider starting some search engine optimization instruction.

But search engine optimization requires a wide variety of methods and needs at the very least a fundamental knowledge of the requirements that search engines need to position webpages. And because Search Engine Optimization is always a perform in improvement, businesses could gain more from having an in - house trained SEO professional who might conserve a lot to them of cash.

What search engine optimization training choices would you have then? Given here are the routes you can follow.

Fundamental Instruction

The fastest method to master search engine optimization might be looking at the huge recourses available on the web. This requires installing several free e-books, reading sites by business experts, and collecting all the tips and tricks required. You'll need to do that on your own and you may not incur any expenses. Fundamental instruction may cover the principles of search engine optimization : from Meta information, text usage is anchored by Meta tags, keywords, to hyperlink creating approaches. Nevertheless, you might still maybe not get all the methods and newest strategies to match the ever changing world of search engine optimization.

Online SEO Training Applications

There are lots of online SEO lessons that you could discover worth your hard earned money. These training programs can be found by search engine optimization experts who comprehend the technology and art of obtaining sites positively ranked, structured training programs have been prepared by who together with class supplies for research.

In determining the greatest search engine optimization experts to coach you, check out their trustworthiness. What tips, certifications, awards and encounter do they have? have? Ensure that there is also an up-to-date class that handles the most recent modifications in search motor algorithms. Cost can be an issue for you, however, you'll not need to lose on quality for a software.

Generally, a suitable search engine optimization class should provide you with all the understanding required to effectively enhance a site, and should include the following lessons.

*On-site optimisation - meta tags, key words, and appropriate inner linking construction

*Recognized link-building methods

*Social Media Optimization

*Social Bookmarking

 *SEO copywriting

* Content creation and distribution

* Other supporting online advertising initiatives

A great SEO class should be practical in terms of the degree of comprehension. For a newbie, it might first be required to know very well what seo is, and its significance before being launched to particular methods. Then you will be able to discover and become a specialist yourself, if a well - structured, updated and in - depth program is found by you on the web.

Sophisticated Training

An excellent on-line SEO training plan should set you up there with a few of the greatest in the SEO area, but there is definitely more you can do. Search engine optimisation should be continuing procedure and not really a fast, one-time work that bears excellent effects; and with search engine algorithms constantly shifting, you might need to cover and attend workshops used by a number of the best business experts to show you the newest ideas and methods in addition to the strategies that make them mark.